
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Season 2 Ep 4: Cacao Magic & Men Who Want A LOT Of Kids
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Daliya recaps grownup Halloween and reminisces about Halloweens of yore. Did you make out? Our resident Single in the Field and Wellness Expert, Alex, joins the ep to talk dating updates, dating men who want a lot of kids- like, a lot, and the best way to eat chocolate. Listen Up! And send us your questions or a short bio if you're interested in being a guest! @notyourtherapistpodcast on IG and email notyourtherapistpodcast@gmail.com. You can find Alex at alexandrajospin.substack.com
We discussed lead in dark chocolate-- yikes! https://www.consumerreports.org/health/food-safety/lead-and-cadmium-in-dark-chocolate-a8480295550/

Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Season 2 Ep 3: Keep Your # In Your Pocket!
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Daliya holds space for just how hard it is in the world right now, and what we can do to hold ourselves through it. It's ok if you're not in the mood to makeout! And it's ok if you are! Daliya gives her expert advice on dating while traveling, FEELD, and why we've GOTTA stop categorizing people. Our resident Single in the Field and Wellness Expert, Alex, joins the ep to talk dating updates and get Daliya's advice on meeting people IRL. Listen Up! And send us your questions or a short bio if you're interested in being a guest! @notyourtherapistpodcast on IG and email notyourtherapistpodcast@gmail.com. You can find Alex at alexandrajospin.substack.com

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
S2 E2: Dating Q’s, Tik Tok Dates, and… Colostrum?
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Daliya gives her expert advice on everything from dating a vegan to what to do if your partner has a family member who is an absolute NIGHTMARE. And our resident Single in the Field and Wellness Expert, Alex, joins the ep to talk blind date updates (set up by Daliya ofc), wellness and its role in a relationship, and potentially taking "the stuff that comes out of your boobs when you have a baby”?! Whatever makes you feel good! And ready to make out! We also talk Tik Tok dating and the dangers of documenting all your dates. Daliya is a therapist, but please remember that Alex is not a doctor. Enjoy!

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Season 2 Ep 1: The Joy of Dating & Butter
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
We’re back, baby! Post-pandemic, Daliya had a literal baby and became a real-life therapist, Alex, our Single Out in the Field, moved to New York… There have been changes! We’re diving right into putting the JOY back into dating and feeling like you’re on vacation mode rather than a job interview. Plus- Daliya set Alex up on a blind date, and there may or may not be a SPICY debate about Earth Balance vs. butter. It’s relevant, we promise. It’s so good to be back! We missed you guys!

Friday Jun 11, 2021
Breakups and Boyfriends With Beautiful Billy
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
This was recorded in the dark winter months of COVID and I honestly don't remember a lot of what we talked about, as I've been knee deep in therapy school (I know, I know but I still won't be YOUR therapist. Probably.) BUT I know it was amazing and sexy and all about breakups and relationships and how to get one and how to get out of one and how to get a new one and how to enjoy the whole darn process of it all even when it seems like the COVID winter of your dating life will never end. Guess what! It will! Vaccines come in all forms, baby! Listen up!
Send all Qs and coaching requests to notyourtherapistpodcast@gmail.com OR @notyourtherapistpodcast on IG. You can come on the show anonymously or not; I'd love to help!
Write us a sweet review and rate us! Thanks!!
Billy is @billygriffinjr on IG and he is the BEST.

Thursday Feb 11, 2021
When Harry Met (and Met and Met) Suzee
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Suzee is hot, cool, and has no problem getting people to fall in love with her. It's the staying in love that's the problem, even despite her best efforts to not get hurt again. So something has to change! Knowing exactly what you do in dating doesn't mean you'll stop doing it! There's more to it than that. We talk patterns and how to break them, dating in COVID, and holding yourself to treating yourself well, partially by letting go of the whole protecting yourself thing. It's time for a new chapter! Maybe even a new book. Listen up!
Send all Qs and coaching requests to notyourtherapistpodcast@gmail.com OR @notyourtherapistpodcast on IG. You can come on the show anonymously or not; I'd love to help!
Write us a sweet review and rate us! Thanks!!

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Is it Time to Call the Wedding Off?
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Remember big weddings???? This episode was originally posted April 2019, when those used to happen and be a BIG FREAKIN DEAL. This episode was also a crowd favorite and we all learned a LOT from Alisa and all her incredible honesty. Enjoy!
Alisa is set to get married in eight weeks. Problem is, she and her wife are not getting along. But with all that time and money and planning invested, should they call it off just because of some disagreements? Or power through and figure it out later? Listen up.
Send all Qs and coaching requests to notyourtherapistpodcast@gmail.com OR @notyourtherapistpodcast on IG. You can come on the show anonymously or not; I'd love to help!
Write us a sweet review and rate us! Thanks!!

Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Q's & Aspirational A's With Non-Life Coach Witch Timothy Drucker
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
One word for Tim Drucker: aspirational. We are ALL lucky because he blessed us with his presence to answer some long-awaited listener Qs. We discuss single allyship, love spells (he cast one for you), how to get in touch with your intuition, punctuality, what not to ask on dates, why to stop telling yourself unproductive stories, and why I'm ok with Tim doing the exact opposite of everything I would recommend anyone else ever do. And maybe you should do it too! Maybe. Listen up!
@tdrucks is my amazing guest and you WANT to follow him.
Send all Qs and coaching requests to notyourtherapistpodcast@gmail.com OR @notyourtherapistpodcast on IG. You can come on the show anonymously or not; I'd love to help!
Write us a sweet review and rate us! Thanks!!

Thursday Jan 14, 2021
2021: The (Dating) Olympics Are Coming
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Alex and I are kicking the year off right! We have so much to discuss because it's been a while! WHEN can we all mush our bodies together again, WHY to treat yourself like a pet, WHAT to do when partners have different lifestyles or religions, HOW to have better Zoom and outdoor dates. It's all here. Listen up!
Send all Qs and coaching requests to notyourtherapistpodcast@gmail.com OR @notyourtherapistpodcast on IG. You can come on the show anonymously or not; I'd love to help!
Write us a sweet review and rate us! Thanks!!

Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Married!! Weeeee!!!! And Your Qs
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Alex and I are diving in post-my marriage and answering some long-awaited listener qs like: when is it ok to lie on dating profiles? How long is too long to hold on to the idea of someone? How the EFF do we keep dating right now?? Let's get into it. Listen up!
Guest: @ajospin, ajholistic.com
Send all Qs and coaching requests to notyourtherapistpodcast@gmail.com OR @notyourtherapistpodcast on IG. You can come on the show anonymously or not; I'd love to help!
Write us a lovely review and rate us! Thanks!!