
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Ready but Not Willing With Jenny Zigrino
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Amazing and hilarious comedian Jenny Zigrino wants a partner but doesn’t necessarily want to go through the process of getting one. We talk about fatphobia, dating app facial fatigue, and all of the other hurdles that you can willingly jump over when you’re ready for both the good and the bad that comes with the dating journey. No one can make it happen or decide you deserve it but you. Listen up.
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Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
How to Not Fake Your Orgasm
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
My personal guru and non-therapist, Rachel Axelrod, lets us in on the ultimate meet-cute, how to love yourself and all your perfect imperfections, and how to prioritize your very REAL orgasm. We want you to be you and love every weird, quirky, embarrassing details that comes (cums) with it. And bonus: what do when someone likes you who is “not in your league” (hint- wtf is a league. Be happy they like you.) Listen up!
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Tuesday May 28, 2019
Putting on Your Big Boy Pants
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Ryan’s a sweetheart, if a little misguided in his search for his “partner in crime” (we’d like to abolish that phrase). First, he needs to listen. Second, he needs to stop feeling bad about his totally normal job situation and know that one of the great benefits of having a partner is they support you in your journey to becoming the person you want to be. You don’t have to already be perfect to deserve someone who thinks you are. Also, LOTS of profile assessment and hot app tips. Listen up.
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Send your questions to notyourtherapistpodcast@gmail.com
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Tuesday May 21, 2019
Swiping With Swagger
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Gilly is an openminded, if a bit shy, woman in Minnesota who took some time away from dating and is now READY to get back in it….BUT she’s a little too nice about it. (Minnesota, anyone). Listen and learn about making everything less precious, owning your awesomeness, picking up people like a boss, and adopting some assh*le swagger to get to the part where you can be super nice again. Also, the importance of positive reinforcement. Listen up!
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Send your questions to notyourtherapistpodcast@gmail.com
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Tuesday May 14, 2019
Being a Down Ass Motherf*cker WIth Jeena Bloom
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Transgender standup comic Jeena Bloom was kind enough to join us and talk about her brand new LA dating adventures. We talk hookups, the importance of aftercare, which apps are for what, and how to ask the right questions. Bonus: the alternative to finding red flags.
And don’t forget to go to All My Single Friends this week! The v best way to meet people IRL. Listen up for details or, you know, google it.
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Send your questions to notyourtherapistpodcast@gmail.com
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Tuesday May 07, 2019
Happiness Is Terrifying
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Michael is a soon to be ex-yogi who is shocked to finally find himself in a happy healthy relationship. What’s there to learn from that, you say? Don’t worry, there’s plenty, for both the single and the coupled alike. Learn how not to freak out when things are good, how to enjoy yourself one day at a time, and how to only pick fights when it’s truly worth it. Hint: A snack and a nap do wonders for all of it. This isn’t just good dating advice, it’s pretty impeccable life advice. Listen up.
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Send your questions to notyourtherapistpodcast@gmail.com
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Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Date Like a Sex Columnist
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Gabi Conti is a sex columnist and author of the upcoming book “20 Guys You Date in Your 20s”. We talk about how all this research has made her the ideal dater (and what she still has to learn), conducting social experiments for the sake of your love life, and why NOT to follow each other on Instagram. Bonus: what age “should” you be dating?
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Send your questions to notyourtherapistpodcast@gmail.com
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Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Getting Over Ghosting
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Freshly ghosted (and gorgeous) comedian and writer Leah Knauer opens up about why she hates dating, and we try to figure out how to make it more bearable. Discover the importance of eliminating the word relationship, allowing yourself a juicy sad, not taking ghosting so personally (but please everyone GROW UP AND STOP DOING IT) and finding a way to get back out there and have fun with it once again. Or maybe for the first time. Listen up.
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Send your questions to notyourtherapistpodcast@gmail.com
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Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
A Thought While I’m Away
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
I'm on vacation in Italy with my man eating pasta and pizza so here is a little tidbit to hold you over until I get back. :)
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Send your questions to notyourtherapistpodcast@gmail.com
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Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
When They Push You Away (and/or Cheat)
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Adrian’s girlfriend cheated on her. Adrian still wanted to try. Which part is her responsibility and which part isn’t? How much trying is too much trying? When do you walk away? We’re in the thick of it. Bonus: what to wear or not wear on first dates.
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Send your questions to notyourtherapistpodcast@gmail.com
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